Ira Apt

Client Account Manager

At CS3 Technology since
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Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma I have had the benefit of working from a home office for years. Business Consulting, specifically in Sales and Marketing is my passion.

What things keep you busy outside of work, that makes you better at work

 I spent the last 20+ years living in rural OK on wooded acreage. When not working, my yard has been my passion. I spent a lot of time trimming limbs and humming the first stanza of “The Lumberjack Song” from Monty Python. Nothing like working with a chain saw to keep the mind focused and clear of clutter.

Best food ever invented

Beef! It’s what’s for dinner.  Definitely a steak and potatoes kind of guy.  I’ll try most anything but will never turn down a juicy medium rare steak.

Mountains or Beach?

Definitely mountains. Well I always believed that until I woke up in Colorado to negative temps and then the beach started looking pretty good.  

Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall?

Yes… I truly enjoy all seasons.  Living in Oklahoma most of my life gave me the opportunity to experience a lot of different weather. Many of my prior jobs had me traveling.  It was great to see new places, cultures etc. but always a pleasure to come home no matter the season.

What is your greatest addiction?

Life, I enjoy every day.  Some days are better than others but It’s always a beautiful day when I wake up and see the sunrise. Walking my dogs on my property always brings a smile.  “Chance” squealing with joy when he chases a rabbit, even though he never catches it.  “Yoshi” splashing in any water, puddle or pond.

Ira Apt

is no longer an employee at CS3 Technology


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