Generic Inquiry

​Acumatica Generic Inquiry Part One

September 27, 2017

Acumatica Generic Inquiry Part One


"Hello everyone, this is Sean Slater with CS3 technology, and for our tip today we’re going to build our very first generic inquiry in Acumatica. In this video we’ll cover some basic concepts of screen overviews. We’ll also build a very simple single source inquiry to demonstrate the process. So, let’s dig right in.

For our video, we’ve assembled a quick spreadsheet outlining the results that we’re hoping to get when we finish our generic inquiry. Let’s go to the invoice screen inside of Acumatica. And we’re going to use a tool that Acumatica provides it’s very helpful for this. If we click on customization and inspect element and then click on the field we want. You’ll see that the data class--or the table--that this information stored is the AR invoice table. The data field is called doc type. So if we go back to our spreadsheet, I’ve taken the liberty of laying out a mapping. Here’s a name of each one of our columns. Here’s the source for each one--the data table source--for each one of the fields. And here’s the field name for each one of the things we have listed.

So with this information now in hand. Let’s go ahead, and go back into Acumatica, and get started building our first inquiry. So we’re going to go to the inquiry screen, which is underneath system customization manage generic inquiry. A generic inquiry screens, similar to all screens inside Acumatica,is broken into two sections that’s the header section, and the tabs. We’re going to talk about half the header fields, and we’re going to talk about two other tabs today.

So let’s go ahead and get started building one of our, our generic inquiry. And we’re going to start off by calling this CS3 invoices. In the sitemap table, the actual name that will show up on the map inside of Acumatica will be called AR invoices. When we finished this project we want Phil to get to this generic inquiry right off the menu at Acumatica so let’s just tell it where we want that to be. So underneath finance, account receivable, and the work area within the Explore menu.

We’ll talk about expose via ‘OData’ data (and the fields on the right hand side) in a future video.

Next, lets go ahead and add our table. And you’ll remember from our grid over here that we want to get information from our AR invoice tables, so let’s just type in AR invoice. And we’ll get going. We’ll see every table out there has an invoice in the name. And in this case we just want the ‘’ invoice table. Let’s save that before we move on. This is a good thing to remember to always save once you’ve filled one section out save before you move to the next one.

Let’s go to the results grid, and let’s add the columns we wanted.So again, going back to our spreadsheet, next thing we want is the type, and that comes to the document type field. So we’ll go to the object. This is that data source this is the table. This is provided so then if our generic inquiry is pulling data from more than one table, we can choose which table, the data element could have come from. And then--we’ll come over here-- now you can do the drop down list and search all the way through there, or your second tip for the day is to be lazy and just type in ‘Doctyp’ , and the further down we get the more you can see that there’s a doctype so I hit Enter.

We’ll leave the captions defaulted to begin with. We’ll talk about schema field in a future video. And on width, I’m going to set this at 120 pixels. Now that will give us a default size otherwise it could be pretty wide or pretty narrow. I’ll show you what that looks like here in a few minute son some other columns.

Our next field was called ref number. And there it is so I’ll arrow down, and choose that and run on through. Now through the magic of computers, we're go ahead and speed this up a little bit and fill this information in so I’ll be right back.

Alright, we’re back we're going to save our entry, and we're going to view our inquiry and see we get. Okay, so, type column looks like it’s about the right width, reference numbers certainly too big, customers probably a little big so with status in terms of scroll on over. We have description and amount, but our balance is missing for some reason we’ll go find out why that is in just a minute.

So let’s go back in. Go to customization here on the top right and go to edit generic inquiry. Take us right back into our generic inquiry where we can go ahead and finish our clean up here. That’s explains why we didn’t get our balance. Let’s save that and see that, and see if that fixes our issues, credit type is looking fine.

And all looks pretty good. All right, now let’s make sure that showed up when we wanted it to. So we’ll go ahead and close our invoices inquiry,and we’ll refresh our screen, and come back down to the bottom of the work area for Accounts Receivable and there are AR invoices. Click on it there’s our generic inquiry. Congratulations. Everyone, you’ve created your first generic inquiry."

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